Wednesday, July 7, 2010

JFT.....July 7th...Messy Messenger

Today Meditation brings me back to early recovery when I wanted to control every one's recovery. I wanted EVERYONE to do it like I do it.. God forbid you find your own way, God forbid you live and enjoy life the way you see fit.. NO...I am in control ... I carry the message and the message is HOPE GOD DAMN IT and you need to listen to me.. My good buddy J.T. use to stop me from rambling on and on with these 4 simple words.."Let People Be People"..  The more I learned about me and the stronger my relationship grew with my HP the more I was able to do just that..  I was able to allow EVERYONE  in recovery to find their own way, develop their own belief.. I was able to SEE the program working in their lives because THEY accepted it.. I would sometimes use the excuse of PASSIONATE or CONVICTION to disguise my CONTROL and JUDGEMENTAL  tendencies. I learned that everyone has to answer to themselves.. The message is hope and we all are proof that it works.. Everyone of us made the decision to stay, we made the decision to believe and to allow the program to work in our lives... No one made it for why do I believe I can make it for someone else?

I believe the message is much stronger than the messenger. I have never been a fan of circuit speakers , I've never been a fan of flying someone in to speak.. paying their way so they can deliver a message that we already poses..Granted some deliver the message so much better than others but EVERY area has great messengers and as long as the message is full of love and hope we are golden...  I mean the guy who rambles on about the fact that playing with his cat brings him much needed serenity. or the woman who talks to a candy wrapper cause her father use to eat snickers bars may not be the best Main speakers but they make for excellent entertainment..

I will try to pay attention to the power behind the message and  recognize the GOD in others..."Damn your GOD is loud and kind of obnoxious sometimes."

Thanks for letting me share..
Mike G

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