Saturday, July 10, 2010

JFT.... Negative Attitudes

How ironic is it that the first letters in the words Negative Attitudes are N A....hummmm...

Its my job as a older member of the program to lead by example. I should speak positive even if the negative tone around me is so aggravating that I want to address it . Addressing it is JUST as negative , I learn to lead by example. I listen to the negativity and I remember when I sounded and acted just as negative. Its not easy speaking and acting positive when almost every thought is negative. I try not to feed into my negative thinking by fueling it with negative actions or talking out of my ass.. It another case of "act as if" or "fake it till ya make it."

Todays meditation said "ask what I have to say important and to the solution?" If everyone answered that honestly there wouldn't be a lot of sharing, it will be a real quiet meeting.. If I am honest with myself its hard to share when I know it has no purpose.. after years of practice I know when I am sharing bullshit , when I am sharing just to impress a girl that I never seen before.. I have a hard time raising my hand when I know I am full of for the negative thoughts its been a long long time since my mind has been able to get bogged down in negativity..

Another question todays meditation asks "am I just talking to hear myself talk?" and the answer is AbsoFUKINlutely... hopefully you guys get something out of it as well...

Thanks for letting me share


1 comment:

  1. tnx, Mike. It's taken a l-o-o-o-ng time for this ol' addict to train hisself to pull the cotton from the ears and stuff it in his mouth.

    And, today, I try to share the positive in my life, even when the tone at a meeting is negative, even when my life feels like it's crashing down around me... by sharing something positive, I can scramble out of my perceived hole and feel a whole bunch better.

    Thanks for reminding me of that...
