Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A daily meditation from one of the many fellowships..."Thought of the Day"

"If we feel the need of saying something to put another member on the right track, we should try to say it with understanding and sympathy, not with a critical attitude"

I wish I had that Tattooed on my forehead when I was new....

Stop yelling at me god damn it.... I wasn't given a soft fluffy message although I would have preferred that... I shared at a meeting when I had about 6 months and got my ass chewed out ...I said "I was feeling like shit, it wasn't getting easier...I was kind of miserable and you guys said it would get easier" .... the old timer said " WE NEVER TOLD YOU IT WOULD GET EASIER....WE SAID IT WOULD GET BETTER ....AND IT HAS...SO SHUT THE FUCK UP AND STOP WHINING." I wanted to throw up...I think I might have farted a lil....  And because I was man handled when I was new I in turn yelled at you... if you weren't living the way I was living or doing it the way I was doing it I would let you know in the most unloving way I could...the problem was I really thought I was yelling out of love but the truth was I was yelling out of fear.. I couldn't imagine people living and enjoying life any other way than the way I was....I was soooo afraid of using , I finally found something that was working in my life and I didn't want anything to influence me.. it was all fear driven no love at all..  A few years down the road when I couldn't even live up to my own standards I began to change.. as I changed my approach to the program my understanding of it changed as well.. I realized that my job is to lead by example, to share my experience strength and hope...If I live and let live all will be well....

Now get your asses to a meeting and call your sponsor ... don't make me yell at you again....

Much Love

Mike G