Wednesday, July 14, 2010

JFT....July 14....Looks normal to meeee

I remember when I had about 7 years I worked for a full blown addict...He used every day in the car when I would get out.. He would smoke crack on the weekends and Monday morning be ready for the week.. I thought he was NORMAL because he was able to maintain a life and use all day long... It was told to me like this... My idea of "Normal" is way messed up.. I started saying "Normal" is in the eye of the beholder... its hard for me to judge normal when I was willing to sell a limb for another hit....

Heres another video.. hope you are enjoying the Blog.... Much Love

1 comment:

  1. well hello im kathleen i just wanted to say ty for posting that video blog i could relate alot in ways i was feeeling the part about working on me on the inside i was "the shell" i came in thought i was doing good call the sponsor did the step work did meetings every suggestion u could give i was taking it to the best of my ability at the time then my boyfriend went to jail and i ended up breaking up with him in the prossess i couldnt deal with it cuz i was ok lmao and started having an affair with another addict in the rooms who was engaged at the time. Oh boy not a great idea so to make a long story short he got out of jaIL {didnt have a clue that was gonna happen}i was trying to cut the affair off 3 weeks prior to that...and i was a mess it was like i used and i almost did >>but i learned alot about myself when all the fighting my sheets got pulled that i realy needed to know y i kept behaving this was cuz i did not know i hated myself i was like a yr and 3 months clean and i coved it up>>>lol with the guy lol but i didnt use i did some big time work on myself and i had to take a look at every part i played and how i affected everyone around me im like 2 yr yr sand 3 months clean today and im grateful for mistakes and i did it and i learned alot from it but i know im not perfect im never gonna be perfect but i try today to the best of my ability ty so much
