Thursday, July 8, 2010

JFT... the "G" word.... not "G" Spot..

The "G" word which makes some people just as confused as the infamous "G" spot.. I have to be honest here, neither "G" bothered me...although the "G" word is sometimes harder to find then the "G" spot... I'm sure women will disagree with me on that one but I have seen many many a man struggle to find a "G" that works for them...

When I got clean I was way too desperate to pay attention to all the mumbo jumbo you guys were spewing.. I just wanted to stay clean.. I passed over the 2nd with a minimal of concern and thought I turned over my life to an HP of my understanding.. I really didn't pay much attention to the God details, I just wanted to stop doing what I was doing..and I did..

Growing up the "C" word , going to "C" school and being and alter boy...I decided that God wasnt for me.. I was already going to hell so screw that guy.. The program really drove home the idea of Higher Power of my choice so I chose the Program as my HP.. and every time we said GOD I thought PROGRAM and no one told me I was wrong so I ran with it... And it worked.. I think the more we talk about the "G" word as a taboo topic the more we make it a taboo topic.. lets just shut up and talk about what works for us then the newcomer can listen and choose for themselves..

Heres when I decided I was done with GOD and I was totally ok with the fact that I was going to hell... I was 13 and the priest and nuns told the boys that if we "touched" ourselves , you know what I mean by "touched" right? if we had HAPPY TIME with our lil guy that we would go straight to hell...they also said if we had "Impure" thoughts we would spend the after life burning.. JUST FOR THINKING impure thoughts... THINKING!!! I was FUCKED.. I had an "Impure" thought every 15 seconds followed by hours of HAPPY TIME with me and the lil guy.... I pictured myself standing on line at the pearly gates and St. Peter walking the line stops at me , turns and starts laughing his ass off..."YOU THINK YOU"RE COMING IN TO HEAVEN?" HAHAHAHA...."You are having an IMPURE thought RIGHT NOW Michael"... I know St. Peter but that angels ass is killing me....

Oh well , thank GOD for the program .. I get to experience Heaven on Earth...

Thank for letting me share

Mike G

1 comment:

  1. I like what you said about the "God" word becoming taboo when people MAKE it taboo. I never thought of it that way, but I definitely agree with you on that one. I also never had much resistance to the 2nd and 3rd steps, or any of them for that matter. And I think that the open-mindedness I was able to obtain just by getting clean enabled me to go into it without prejudice. The God of my understanding part is awesome. I take stuff from all religions, the programme, Star Wars, doorknob, physics, mother nature, literature. At any given moment my Higher Power communicates to me through any outlet, I just need to listen.

    ps: i figured out how to comment here!
