Wednesday, October 13, 2010

"Life is a rollercoaster from the mind of a Thirteen year old"

Today my daughter, my lil angel wanted to read me something she wrote in school. She said she was just sitting in class , picked up her pen and the words just came out..   I wanted to share it with my friends and fans...

I act like I am not afraid of anything.
I say that words dont hurt me even though they do.
I act like everything rolls off my back even when it doesnt.
I always think I am not good enough for this crazy world.
Life is a rollercoaster that never stops..
I hate when I think about growing up.
I never want that rollercoaster to end or at least I want it to go slower..

As I heard her read these words I was hit with a couple of emotions... I was sad that she thinks shes not good enough for this world....that she affraid of growing up, that she thinks her life is passing her by.. I was very sad to hear my lil girl say these things but I was soooo proud of her for having the ability to.. I was so happy that she is able to put her thoughts and fears on paper, that she was able to share them with me....I was also very happy that she realizes that life is flying by and we need to get busy living it... I just hope she will understand that each day , each moment is life ...and we have a chance to be apart of each and every second of it if we choose....  That is my job as her dad.. my job is to show her that we cant wait for life we have to go get it... I am so proud of her... she wanted me to post this on my blog becuase she realizes how important it is to share your thoughts and feelings with others , you never know who you may help...

I love you Sammy... This beautiful rollercoaster called life loves you too...HOLD ON TIGHT...

Thanks for reading...

Mike and Sammy

1 comment:

  1. Give Sammy a hug for me. Her words kinda fit well with this 53 yr old addict, on some days. Life is zipping by for me, but I am truly enjoying the ride.

    oh, and ask Sammy if I can post her poem on the Recovery pages of my website. I think it would be the perfect addition to my collection from over the years of my recovery. Please. & Thanks!
