Saturday, September 18, 2010

Be careful what you pray for.....

"Be careful what you pray for"... This is something I have been hearing since day one of my recovery... I understood it from jump street..  Basically watch what you wish for because when you get it you may regret it...whatever "it" may be....IT may suck ass....IT may take your car...IT may give you a burning sensation in your groin....IT may make you work 15 hours a day to maintain... IT may use way too much gas....IT may bang your best friend.... I get it...With this understanding I have never prayed for anything specific such as a job , girl, family, car ...etc....I have always prayed to be OK with whatever is happening in my life.. I have always prayed for hope and understanding...

I have recently been feeling a LITTLE lonely .. not LONELY LONELY....just a little lonely... I went as far as to post it on my Facebook... Just saying that something has been tugging at me for a few days now and I think its the fact that I haven't been in a relationship in so long.. I have been HAPPILY single for a long ass time but recently I have once again felt the need or want to have someone special in my life... I will NEVER pray for this to happen....once again I ask my HP to help me be OK with whatever happens in my day to day....  A few very sweet friends/fans/fellowship members have left comments on my Facebook status saying they will pray for me to find someone... NOOOOOOOOOO....please don't pray for me to find anyone...  Its one thing to watch what I pray for but I don't want to have to worry about what YOU are praying FOR ME to find ....Will you be there when IT takes my phone..reads my text messages and flushes my phone down the toilet because she thinks I'm fooling around? or when IT makes me change my damn Facebook profile pic to me and IT kissing? will be off praying for your pain in the ass to go away....  Thank you for the loving gesture but I'm good..  If I put myself out there IT will come ...and I will know weather IT gets to stay or not....

So I guess I am praying that people don't pray for me....LOL

Much Love